Transforming Self-Reflection into Compassionate Growth

By AfriBlocks Network on August, 30 2024
Transforming Self-Reflection into Compassionate Growth
AfriBlocks Network
AfriBlocks Network

Keiko Roy-Carey, the co-founder of Inyeon AI, is on a mission to revolutionize the way people engage in self-reflection and personal growth. Inyeon AI, a company she co-founded with Tobi Olofintuyi, offers tools that leverage voice and digital journaling to help individuals listen deeply to themselves and communicate with compassion. Through this innovative approach, Keiko and Tobi aim to enhance well-being and relationships by fostering a deeper connection with oneself.

The Birth of Inyeon AI

The inspiration behind Inyeon AI stems from a deeply personal journey for Keiko. The concept of "Inyeon" (인연), a Korean term signifying interconnected relationships across lifetimes, holds special meaning for her. “When I learned of the concept, I began to recognize the Inyeon threaded throughout my life and the lives of those I come in contact with,” she explains. This realization, coupled with her passion for journaling—a practice she began at the age of nine—formed the foundation of her vision for Inyeon AI.

Keiko’s motivation to create Inyeon AI intensified in 2019 after the loss of her mother, a period she describes as a “dark night of the soul.” She turned to mindfulness practices, particularly the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, to navigate her grief and cultivate a deeper compassion for her own suffering. “That long and continuous season of learning how to truly live presently, within the deepest of sorrows, invited me to transmute my suffering into creating something that could maybe also help my loved ones on their journey to cultivate inner peace,” she reflects.

In the early days of her collaboration with Tobi, Keiko’s original ideas were nurtured and expanded upon, leading to the formation of their company. “About six months into our collaboration, I asked him to be my co-founder! Since then, nearly two years later, we’ve experimented, expanded our team, and researched our way into an offering that combines journaling with the accessibility of technology to support personal growth, well-being, and interconnection,” she shares.

Building with Compassion and Creativity

What excites Keiko most about Inyeon AI is the opportunity to blend business with artistry. She and Tobi see themselves not just as business leaders, but as creators, exploring innovative frameworks like holacracy, teal organizations, de-growth, and regenerative practices. “We’re learning that embedding our mindfulness practices into our relationship with each other and our collaborators has been key to living out our values in the present, so we can honor them in the future,” Keiko notes.

Their approach to leadership involves compassionate communication, where they engage in tough and uncomfortable conversations to ensure that Inyeon AI aligns with their values. “Tobi and I hold each other accountable in making sure we’re not merely operating on autopilot based on familiar patterns but are instead bringing something truly audacious and meaningful into existence,” she emphasizes. This commitment to creating a compassionate environment and community around Inyeon AI is what drives Keiko and her team forward.

Challenges in Growing a Values-Driven Team

One of the biggest challenges Keiko has faced while growing Inyeon AI is balancing the urgency to scale with the need to remain true to their values. Building a team while bootstrapping has been a delicate process, especially when the goal is to create offerings that reduce suffering. “We believe the rapid evolution of technology requires us to slow down and regularly reassess whether or not our approach is aligned with our values,” Keiko explains.

This approach involves practicing patience and intentionality in every aspect of their work, from launches to team expansion. Keiko and Tobi are also mindful of bringing in partners and team members at the right stages of their journey, ensuring that each step they take aligns with their vision. “Not everyone enjoys the early stages of startups where we are essentially ‘tilling the soil’ of our vision,” she says, acknowledging the challenges of finding the right people who share their values.

Scaling with Mindfulness and Integrity

Looking to the future, Keiko and Tobi plan to scale Inyeon AI with a focus on mindful leadership and sustainable growth. Their approach to expansion is deliberate, ensuring that their growth nourishes the team rather than overwhelms it. “We aim to grow (or not) in a way that is organic and sustainable, which is aligned with our values and ethics,” Keiko emphasizes. This means being careful about who they bring on board and ensuring that each new team member contributes to the company’s mission of promoting well-being and interconnection.

Keiko and Tobi practice self-reflection to ensure that their actions align with their collective values. This commitment to moving at their own pace, often slower than the fast-paced startup culture, allows them to maintain integrity in their work. “This is also precisely why we see ourselves as co-creators first,” Keiko notes, highlighting their focus on sustainability and well-being as they continue to serve diverse communities.

Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Founders

For those considering starting their own ventures, Keiko offers sage advice: “As founders, your primary role is to be the keepers and holders of the vision. It’s easy to get bogged down in the myriad of roles and responsibilities that come with creating a startup, but staying true to your vision is crucial.” She encourages founders to hold onto their vision, nurture it, and let it guide their decisions. “When you maintain focus on your vision, the right people and resources will align with your journey,” she advises.

Keiko’s journey with Inyeon AI is a testament to the power of compassion, creativity, and mindfulness in building a business that not only succeeds but also enriches the lives of others. Her dedication to creating tools that foster self-reflection and personal growth is inspiring, and her story serves as a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs who seek to make a meaningful impact.

Connect with Inyeon AI

To learn more about Inyeon AI and stay connected with Keiko and Tobi, visit their website at, where you can join their waitlist. You can also reach out via email at or follow them on LinkedIn at Inyeon AI and on Instagram at

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